The PYSA shall teach good sportsmanship, leadership, and teamwork skills, educate participants and adults in the fundamentals of the game of soccer, promote the game of soccer through sponsorship of regularly scheduled soccer competition and special soccer events, and conduct such other educational activities as are deemed appropriate to the promotion of youth soccer activities.

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The Portage Youth Soccer Association (PYSA) is a local, volunteer run, non-profit soccer association in the city of Portage, Wisconsin. We currently have an in-house program for children K-2nd grade and a traveling program for grades 3rd-8th. The PYSA organizes teams, offers coaching clinics and soccer camps, raises money for equipment and along with Portage Parks and Recreation, maintains and schedules the Portage Youth Soccer Complex currently located at Veterans Field. We are a club member of Madison Area Youth Soccer Association (MAYSA) as well as Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association (WYSA). We follow the rules of US Soccer and FIFA, with hopes and dreams of our participants going forward with higher levels of play. We have many volunteer opportunities available and are always grateful for our local businesses’ support through donations. We need YOUR help to keep organized soccer in Portage.